Celebrating World Mental Heath Together

On Tuesday 10 October the whole of the school got involved in activities for World Mental health Day – a global initiative celebrated annually to recognise the significance of our mental health. When we understand and take care of our mental health, we can feel happier, more confident, and better able to handle life's ups and downs. 
Students were encouraged to create a Reverse Bucket List - to write down everything that they have achieved, no matter how big or small, the idea being to create a sense of gratitude for our accomplishments and experiences. Throughout the day students were given the opportunity to add to their list. Along with a moment of mindfulness before their next lesson, which included trying out Sophrology breathing activities, they took part in a mental health quiz. This was designed to provide students and staff with the opportunity to talk about mental health, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to get help if you are struggling.
Staff also got involved by wearing green ribbons badges to show their support and taking part in a cake anagram quiz – things got competitive between departments with Geography getting their answers in first and Maths achieving the Growth Mindset Award!
All in all it was a great day with lots of participation and positive feedback from both students and staff and most importantly, providing us all with the opportunity to think more about our mental health.