Who is the Chair of Trustees?
Stephen Gregson (right) is the new Chair of our Trust Board. Stephen is a qualified Chartered Accountant from private practice and has wide experience of advising on the strategy and development of businesses.
“Bishop Rawstorne has been, and continues to be, a community utterly focussed upon supporting its students to achieve their best. We are committed not only to their academic achievement, but also, and in many ways even more importantly, their spiritual, emotional, moral, social and physical development and growth. The Christian ethos of the school informs everything we do to provide our students with an outstanding Christian education, helping them to live, as Jesus said, a ‘life in all its fullness’. We recognise, and cherish, the great responsibility which parents and carers place in our hands when they send their children to us, who then leave us as young adults and we constantly strive to improve what we do through the hard work and commitment of staff, trustees, parents and students.”
What are the main responsibilities of the Trust Board?
The role of the Trust Board is:
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students, and the performance management of staff; and
- To oversee the financial performance of the school making sure that its money is well spent.
Above all, as a Christian school, the trustees have an overriding responsibility to remain focused on the mission of the school to provide the best possible Christian education for every student.
The Trust Board of Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy comprises a group of volunteers who are appointed or elected by various bodies and groups who have an interest in the school including:
- The five foundation parishes who were involved in establishing the school – Croston, Mawdesley with Bispham, Eccleston, Bretherton and Wrightington with Heskin;
- The Board of Education of Blackburn Diocese;
- County Council;
- Parents; and
- Teaching and support staff.
A full list of trustees, who appoints them, their term of office and any declared business interests can be found in the supplementary documents at the bottom of the page.
Our trustees work as a corporate body and act with integrity, objectivity and honesty, in the best interests of the school. The Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team run the school on a day-to-day basis, but the trustees provide support, assistance and challenge, acting as a ‘critical friend’ to ensure that the school continues to maintain and improve high standards in everything it does
How often do we meet?
The full Trust Board meets at least once each term and also has a number of committees (Governance Committee, Finance, Resources & Audit Committee and Curriculum Committee) that also meet separately, normally each term.
How do we monitor the school’s performance?
Trustees receive regular reports on all aspects of the school’s activities and performance and are frequently in school to observe for themselves how targets and development plans are being met. In 2015, the Trust Board commissioned an external review of its governance and has substantially restructured its committees and method of operation to ensure that it is focused on the core responsibilities. Trustees also have a role in dealing with complaints and reviewing decisions about pupil exclusions.
How to contact Mr Gregson?
Contact can be made
Mr S Gregson
c/o Bishop Rawstorne C of E Academy,
Highfield Road,
Lancs PR26 9HH
Copies of agendas and minutes are available upon request by contacting the Clerk to Governors at governorsclerk@bishopr.co.uk
Trustee Documents
For further information please see "Annual Report, Academy Documents, and Financial Statements"