Key Stage 3 Curriculum Plan


Principles and Purpose

Bishop Rawstorne is committed to a flexible and responsive curriculum that is outstanding, meeting the needs of all of our students and allowing them to flourish. Our broad and balanced curriculum addresses both the academic and non-academic needs of the students as well as promoting the Christian values and ethos of the school and its community.


Entitlement and Enrichment

All students are entitled to apply to go on the educational visits on offer to them, residential and non-residential, in the UK and further afield. These experiences, and the many day excursions, not only enhance subject knowledge in school but helps students develop socially, emotionally and culturally.

There are ‘Arts For All’  and 'Cultural Experience' enrichment days where whole year groups are taken off timetable and enjoy a variety of different arts and cultural experiences.


Breadth and Balance

All students study English, mathematics, science and religious education. They also study both geography and history as well as MFL, art, PSHE (including Citizenship), music, PE and computer science. Finally they rotate through a range of subjects on the creative technologies carousel, including design and technology, engineering, food preparation and nutrition, graphics and textiles.



Specialised classrooms and expert teachers provide a vibrant and engaging learning environment in which the needs of all students can be met. Specialist equipment is provided for activities both in and out of the classroom, as well as being able to support the extracurricular activities that take place.


Review and Evaluate

Ongoing reviews of the curriculum take place to measure its impact on teaching and learning and its suitability in meeting the needs of all learners as they progress through the key stages. It is a curriculum that is rich, ambitious and well sequenced, taking into account the need for continual progression, the retention of knowledge, the continual acquisition of skills and the most effective transition between each key stage.


The Curriculum Provision At Key Stage 3 Is Organised In The Following Way:


Year 7

  • English: 3 hours each week.
  • Maths: 3 hours each week.
  • Science: 3 hours each week.
  • Religious Education: 3 hours per fortnight.
  • Geography: 3 hours per fortnight.
  • History: 5 hours per fortnight.
  • Modern Foreign Language: 3 hours each week
  • Art: 1 hour lesson each week.
  • Computer Science: 1 hour lesson each week.
  • Music: 3 hours per fortnight.
  • Technology (engineering, food  studies and nutrition, graphics, textiles): Two 1 hour lessons each week.
  • PSHE; 1 hour lesson each week.
  • Physical Education: Two 1 hour lessons each week.

Year 8

  • English: Three 1 hour lessons each week.
  • Maths: Three 1 hour lessons each week.
  • Science: Three 1 hour lessons each week.
  • Religious Education: 3 hours per fortnight.
  • Geography: 3 hours per fortnight.
  • History: 3 hours per fortnight.
  • Modern Foreign Language: A cohort study both German and French, 2 hours of each per week, the majority study German alone, three 1 hour lessons each week with 1 hour additional literacy support, and a very small cohort of identified students have additional literacy and numeracy support and enrichment activities for 4 hours per week.
  • Art: 1 hour lesson each week.
  • Computer Science: 1 hour lesson each week.
  • Music: 3 hours per fortnight.
  • Technology (engineering, food studies and nutrition, graphics, design technology): Two 1 hour lessons each week.
  • Physical Education: Two 1 hour lessons each week.


Further information regarding curriculum provision at Bishop Rawstorne can be obtained by contacting Mrs C Lane, Assistant Headteacher.