Parent Forums 2023/2024

Gathering feedback from parents about how we do things at Bishop Rawstorne is very important to us, and helps us to adapt and amend our systems and procedures – hopefully helping them to run more smoothly and work better for both parents/carers and students. Consulting with parents and carers also allows us to strengthen the home-school partnership and provides parents and carers with an opportunity to answer any other queries or concerns that they may have.

Following on from the success of our parental forum last year on school uniform, we will be running the following parent forums this school year:

Tuesday 21 November 2024

Reporting and SIMS with Mr Wood

Tuesday 12 March 2024

The RE curriculum and our Worship Provision with Mr Ascroft

Tuesday 4 June 2024  Enrichment across the school with Miss Huyton





All forums will take place 5.30pm-6.45pm and, as spaces are limited, parents/carers are asked to book in advance in order to take part.

The forums usually involve a presentation on the forum subject, and we then break into groups to discuss the different areas and questions. Staff are on hand throughout the evening to facilitate the process and listen to views and at the end of the discussion we gather feedback as a group. At the end of the session we open up the forum to other school related questions or concerns.

If you are a current parent or carer and are interested in being involved in our forums please email with your preferred email address. Closer to the time we will provide confirmation of your place along with further information.

Parent Forum Archive

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