Our Academy has a clear vision:

Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy is a Christian community that delights in seeking wisdom and knowledge, building relationships and character based upon the Word of God, enabling us all to flourish bravely and faithfully.


This deeply Christian vision is based on our foundational biblical verse from the books of James:

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17

This is a portion from the book of James that sets out what real/godly wisdom is. James has written in the previous section of this biblical book about false wisdom that causes unrest and disorder. James is concerned about division, false information, gossip and lies within the community.

As result he goes on to define what heavenly wisdom is in verse 17. There is a link in this verse with Paul’s ‘fruits of the spirit’ (Galatians 5:22-23). Rather than ‘worldly’ wisdom, James is advocating ‘godly’ wisdom. God’s wisdom is pure, peaceful, gentle, impartial, it brings about good (fruit), and sincerity.

We want to be a community that cultivates the fruits of godly wisdom in both our staff and students. Fruits of integrity, honesty, peace, and unity. Our community puts down deep roots with godly values to produce good fruit. In our pursuit to educate the students in our care, we do that by nurturing godly wisdom alongside, within and throughout our curriculum and pastoral work.


Our Christian History

Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy has a deeply Christian history and tradition. Our Academy is named after the Right Rev. Atherton Gwillym Rawstorne, Bishop of Whalley and Rector of Croston. The Bishop was an ardent supporter of Church Schools. Bishop Rawstorne himself lobbied the government to fund and build a school in Croston in the 1930s. Eventually the school was built and opened in 1960, founded by the local Church of England parishes based on its trust deed - to serve the local village communities providing education within a Christian Ethos.