Careers Information at Bishop Rawstorne


Careers Contact Information

If you would like to contact the member of staff with responsibility for Careers’ Education in school, then please get in touch with:

Mr Paul Almond - Assistant Headteacher

01772 600349 or email


Policy Statement

This policy statement sets out Bishop Rawstorne’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about said provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

At Bishop Rawstorne we understand that we are a stepping stone for young people as they move from primary school to post-16 education, in whatever form that may be. We also fundamentally believe that the 5 years that students spend with us will allow them to grow, not just into academically capable and competent young adults, but also young adults with a strong understanding of the world around them and the opportunities in front of them.

This does not just mean informing students about the different colleges they can apply too, but rather it involves educating them about the different options that are available to them, and assisting them in making the correct choices for them


Student Entitlement

All students in Years 7-11 are entitled:

  • To a rounded careers programme that outlines local opportunities, working with local businesses and colleges and utilising relevant up to date labour market information to help students understand and become aware of the variety of post 16 routes and careers available to them
  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available post-16
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options’ events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses


Careers Programme

Further Information on our careers programme at Bishop Rawstorne can be found on the link below:


Which local colleges do we work with?




















As well as strong college links, we are looking to continue to develop our relationships with local businesses. We run a careers event and all students have a “mock interview” to help them to understand the need to develop a good CV and present themselves well in a work environment. 

All students in Year 8 and Year 11 are also given the opportunity to have one-to-one support from our independent career's advisory team. This advice will help them to think about the potential options available to them as they begin their GCSE courses and the different routes that are available to them once they leave Bishop Rawstorne. With external advisors, engaged teaching staff and a strong Year 8 and Year 11 tutor team, students have a diverse range of experience to draw on.

Bishop Rawstorne is committed to developing our students' knowledge of careers and post-16 provision in line with the governments new careers’ strategy and specifically following the Gatsby Benchmarks as outline below.


The Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

In 2014, Lord Sainsbury’s Gatsby Charitable Foundation published a report by Professor Sir John Holman, Adviser in Education at the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, titled “Good Career Guidance.”  The report identified eight benchmarks that are the core dimensions of good careers and enterprise provision in schools:

  1. A stable careers’ programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

The calendar below outlines how we intend to follow these benchmarks this academic year:.


The Gatsby Benchmarks embedded at Bishop Rawstorne

Biannually Bishop Rawstorne runs a Careers Fair for the whole school during the Spring Term.


Mission Statement

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term



To lay down the foundations of  careers work and inform young people of the variety of options available to them.

A programme throughout the year that develops employability awareness – challenges stereotypes, outlines careers routes and highlights potential career pathways.

In the spring term all of Y7 will have a Kudos Onboarding event to get them aware of the careers software we will use through the next 5 years.

Year 8

Opening Eyes

To inform the options process, to start to discover about the world of work, and to consider futures beyond Bishop Rawstorne

Parents and students Kudos onboarding. All students to become aware of the Kudos software and how it works to support Options choices and link them with careers.

  • “The Classroom, after the classroom”(A week of lessons linking subjects to careers)
  • Options Talks in assembly and tutor time.
  • 121 Options’ Interviews if desired.
  • PSHE day – 1 hour careers’ focus.
  • PSHE Day – Careers session on employability and different pathways available.

Year 9

Methods of Employment

To consider what would not normally be considered, to take an interest in the world around you and to understand how your region could influence your future choices

  • Talk from Ask Apprenticeships regarding the world of Apprenticeships.
  • “The Classroom, after the classroom”

(A week of lessons linking subjects to careers)

  • Virtual Work experience day run in conjunction with Barclays Life skillls
  • Employer encounter day – In conjunction with Runshaw College
  • PSHE day – 1 hour careers focus.
  • College Visit planned.


Year 10

Preparing for  transition

Where are we going next – what pathway do you wish to consider? What skills are needed for this pathway and how can we help you attain them?

  • Talk from Ask Apprenticeships regarding the world of Apprenticeships.
  • “What are the options for my future?”(Assembly about the various different routes students have to follow post- Bishop Rawstorne)
  • Parental Information Evening – How to prepare for leaving.
  • Talk from Ask Apprenticeships regarding the world of Apprenticeships.
  • Virtual Work experience day run in conjunction with Barclays Life skills
  • College Visits – All students to visit Runshaw College and then a choice of one other local college in school time.
  • Lunchtime clinics for CV writing
  • Mock Interview Day

Year 11

Making the Transition

To ensure that every student has a firm idea of their next step, be it college or work related, and inform about where you could be in 10 years and the options available.

  • University talks to be offered to interested students
  • College assemblies from all local providers
  • Talk from Ask Apprenticeships regarding the world of Apprenticeships.
  • Guidance and support with online application procedures.
  • Lunchtime Clinics for CV writing


  • College 121 Interviews: All students will be interviewed by their prospective post-16 provider.
  • University visits where applicable.
  • Parental Information Evening – How to prepare for leaving.




During the year, students across Years 7 – 11 and parents will be given the opportunity to offer their feedback as to whether or not the opportunities provided have been beneficial. This feedback will then be used to inform the future programme.

The Academy Leadership Team will review this programme every academic year and assess the quality of the opportunities that have been offered to all students.

Finally, external monitoring and support is coming from the Enterprise Advisor Network.


Student Destinations

Further information on our student destination can be found on the link below: