Curriculum Leader: Mrs D Hornby
Teachers: Mr S Edwards
  Miss K Huyton
  Mr D Smart
  Mr M Williams






Curriculum Intent

The PE department at Bishop Rawstorne delivers a broad, multifaceted curriculum and enrichment programme that progressively builds on the physical skills and cognitive knowledge of our students. We aim to instil a passion for sport and physical activity, as well as embedding an understanding of how to live an active and healthy lifestyle beyond Bishop Rawstorne. Through our unique subject nature, we develop our students  by building resilience, teamwork, communication and confidence skills.

We enhance theoretical understanding through the GCSE Physical Education option at Key Stage 4 as well as structured cross curricular links that are fed down through both practical and theoretical contexts at Key Stage 3.


Curriculum Implementation

PE at Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 (years 7-9) students receive two 60-minute lessons of Physical Education a week. Students are set into appropriate groups after undergoing a series of baseline assessments at the start of Year 7, in order to maximise progress of the knowledge and skills required for each activity.

The department aims to develop cognitive knowledge such as, decision making, analysis, tactics, strategies, teamwork and communication as well as the physical skills for example; passing, shooting, attacking and defending techniques. The cognitive knowledge developed and physical skills demonstrated for each activity are then assessed at the end of each half term.

The activities delivered as part of our Key Stage 3 curriculum are in line with the National Curriculum for PE and include; invasion games (football, basketball, handball, hockey, rugby), striking and fielding games (rounders, cricket, softball), net games (badminton, tennis, table tennis) athletics, outdoor adventurous activities, dance and gymnastics.

In Year 7 and 8 students will also learn some aspects of the theoretical content taught at GCSE PE such as, names and locations of muscles and bones, components of fitness and reasons for a warm up and cool down.

The activities and theory content delivered each half term, can be found in the below Curriculum Map Document attached.

Programmes of Study: Physical Education

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PE at Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 (years 10-11) students receive one 60-minute lesson of Physical Education a week. We aim to build on the knowledge and skills developed at Key Stage 3 and place an emphasis throughout this Key Stage on how our students can live an active, healthy lifestyle beyond Bishop Rawstorne as young adults.

To achieve this, we allow a choice-based curriculum of activities whereby students can choose which activity they would like to complete for a half term before switching to a new activity.

These activities include the traditional activities covered at Key Stage 3 such as invasion games, net games and striking and fielding games but also see the introduction of activities such as trampolining, mat rounders, street basketball, Zumba, yoga and fitness.



At the end of Year 8 students are able to select the option of studying GCSE PE as an examination subject. We follow the OCR GCSE PE specification. In GCSE PE students receive two 60-minute lessons of GCSE PE a week (this is in addition to their core PE lessons above). One of these lessons will be a theory classroom-based lesson, and the other will be practical based lesson.

The specification breakdown is detailed below:

  • Physical factors affecting performance – 30% of overall grade

1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology

1.2 Physical Training


  • Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology – 30% of overall grade

2.1 Socio-cultural influences

2.3 Health, fitness and well-being

2.2 Sports psychology


  • Analysing and evaluating performance – 10% of overall grade


  • Practical activity assessment – 30% of overall grade

Students studying GCSE PE will be assessed in three practical activities. These activities must be two team sports, one individual sport and one from either. Students opting for this subject are expected to be participating in at least one of their assessed sports outside of school for a club or organisation.

The three-year overview for GCSE PE is attached below.

The three-year overview for GCSE PE is attached below.

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Curriculum Impact

Assessment of progress at Key Stage 3 happens each half term through:

  • Assessment of cognitive knowledge
  • Assessment of physical skills
  • Microsoft Forms Quiz on theory content

The cognitive knowledge and physical skills for each activity are detailed in the Curriculum Map document attached above.

The Key Stage 3 Assessment criteria is attached below.

The Key Stage 3 Assessment criteria is attached below.

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Assessment of progress in GCSE PE is through the following:

  • Formative assessment after each new topic
  • Summative assessment at the end of each half term
  • Teacher assessment and moderation of practical activities each half term

Feedback after each assessment is provided to students in a timely manner, so that common misconceptions and areas of individual development can be effectively identified and worked upon.

Students are encouraged to complete independent revision as well as the required regular homework which is assigned weekly at GCSE PE.

Online platforms include:

OCR GCSE PE Revision guides include:



The PE department are proud to offer a wide range of lunchtime and after-school enrichment opportunities. As well as developing individuals and teams to compete in the local borough competitions, we also encourage high levels of recreational participation in enrichment activities.

There is no requirement to “sign-up” or “trial” for any activities, anybody is welcome, however please ensure that your child has the correct kit and footwear required.

As well as our regular enrichment opportunities we frequently plan national and international sporting trips which have included:

  • PGL activity weekends
  • French residential
  • Villarreal Spanish Soccer tour
  • Serre Chevalier Vallee Ski Trip

The timetables below detail the current enrichment opportunities.

The timetables below detail the current enrichment opportunities.

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Careers and Progression

We aim to instill a passion for sport and physical activity encouraging lifelong participation beyond Bishop Rawstorne. Sport and physical activity can act as a catalyst for good physical and mental well-being and we aim to equip all of our students with the knowledge and skills necessary for am active and healthy lifestyle.

The progression from GCSE PE include:

  • BTEC Level 3 in Sport
  • A-level Physical Education
  • Apprenticeships:
    • Sports coaching
    • Community sport and health officer
    • Leisure management
    • Personal training

Careers for students studying GCSE PE can include:

  • Physiotherapist
  • Police officer
  • Sports development officer
  • Sports coach
  • Dietitian
  • Sports scientist
  • Match day data analysis
  • Official/referee
  • Sport and fitness instructor
  • PE teacher
  • Sports psychologist
  • Personal trainer


PE Video Evidence Talk

Updated: 10/05/2023 9.54 MB