Wellbeing Support


Wellbeing Tips

Below are some wellbeing tips which we hope are of use:

Wellbeing Tip 1 - Quick Act of Kindness Task

Wellbeing Tip 2 - Just 10 Mindful Minutes

Wellbeing Tip 3 - Quick body check and Adjustment

Wellbeing Tip 4 - NHS Tips for Wellbeing

Wellbeing Tip 5 - Houseplants are Great for Soothing Anxiety

Wellbeing Tip 6 - Respond Rather Than React

Wellbeing Tip 7 - Focus on What You Can Control

Wellbeing Tip 8 - Mindful Eating


Anna Freud Resources

Anna Freud is a mental health charity for children and families and has a useful resource section on their website which can help young people as well as parents manage their mental health and wellbeing. Click on the links below to access more information: 

Self-care for Children and Young People

Self-care for Parents and Carers