Food Preparation & Nutrition
Curriculum Lead: | Mrs G Duckworth |
Curriculum Intent
Food preparation and nutrition aims to enable every student to have the knowledge and ability to be able to choose a healthy life style and to make wise food choices.
The subject is fast moving and creative, encouraging students to develop independence and self-confidence, especially in practical areas. New knowledge is embraced almost on a weekly basis and studying this subject fosters an awareness of the wider world and many current issues surrounding food, both nationally and internationally.
As well as working independently, team work - especially in practical activities, is essential, encouraging students to think of others and the impact that their actions will have on them.
Food affects every person on a daily basis. Studying food preparation and nutrition will equip students with a wide-ranging knowledge of the many issues that affect a person’s ability to provide a healthy diet feed for themselves, their family and others, which will in turn contribute to a healthy life for all involved.
Please see our curriculum mapping to see how our planning reflects all national curriculum guidance.
Programmes of Study: Food
Curriculum Implementation
Year 7 and 8 students study for approx. 10 weeks on a carousel, 2 one hour lessons per week.
Year 7
Basic kitchen and food safety including using different parts of the cooker.
Healthy eating and Healthy snacks
Where our food comes from
Students always do a practical a week where they are expected to supply their own ingredients.
Year 8
Introduction to baking
Where our food comes from
Why people eat what they eat
Students always do a practical a week where they are expected to supply their own ingredients.
Two one hour lessons per week – one of which is always practical.
Year 9
Topics include Food From Around the World and Street Food.
Students continue to build their nutritional knowledge and look at how our food gets from ‘farm to fork’. A trip to a farm is organised to enhance this learning.
Year 10
Students learn about the basic food commodities, where they come from and how they are processed.
- Fruit and vegetables
- Starchy Foods
- Protein and non animal protein foods
- Dairy foods
- Fats and Oils
- Sugars and sweeteners
They also cover several Core Knowledge topics, such are the principles which underpin the subject. These include:
- Nutrition
- Healthy eating
- Why food is cooked
- Food Choices
- Methods of cooking and making
- Food Safety
- War on Waste
Year 11
This is assessment year. Usually two NEA are complete (currently only NEA2 is being undertaken due to Covid-19). NEA taskes are set by the exam board.
NEA 1 – 8 hours of school time. A food science investigation is completed with a report being written. This comprises 15% of the GCSE grade
NEA 2 – 12 hours of school time. A food preparation task with a practical 3 hour exam. A written project accompanies this and this comprises 35% of the GCSE grade.
Written Exam – 1 hour 45 min exam – sat in the Summer of year 11.
Curriculum Impact
Knowledge and attainment is based on 5 years of study of the subject.
Students are assessed in a variety of ways in Food Preparation and Nutrition.
Books and folders are regularly marked with targets for improvement given and stretch and challenge questions asked.
Practical is assessed every lesson with verbal feedback given, allowing student to reflect on what they have done, what they have learned and how they can improve or modify their work.
At KS4 revision and exam techniques form a large part of homework.
The exam board is EDUQAS and in year 11 students complete a NEA which contribute 50% of their GCSE grade.
Course books include the Illuminate Food Preparation and Nutrition text book (on-line version is available for students) and the CGP revision guide.
Careers and Progression
Whilst there currently is no Food based ’A’ level qualification students can choose to do a BTech qualification in different aspects of food study.
There two main routs are a science based route leading to careers such as dietetics, nutritionists and food product developer.
A more practical based route leads to careers as chefs in many different settings, front of house management and events planning, to name just a few.
Sheffield Hallam University is a leading institute for food studies whilst many firms such as Kellogg’s, Heinz, Walkers and Sainsburys offering many different apprenticeships.