Pupil Premium Spending 2017-2018
Pupil premium strategy 2018/19 – September 2019 – Strategy Review
Bishop Rawstorne’s Pupil Premium initiative is a commitment to students from disadvantaged backgrounds to enable them to be
supported to reach their full potential, regardless of social and economic circumstance.
At Bishop Rawstorne we believe that all students should be treated equally, and fairly, no matter what background or disadvantage they may have experienced in the past. We are committed to fostering achievement across all cohorts, and shaping our students so they are able to achieve their full academic and pastoral potential. All young people should have the same level of aspiration and hope, and it is down to the school and the staff therein to promote this widely.
Ultimately the funding that is provided through the Pupil Premium grant should be used to develop strategies that create a culture of respect for all.
School |
Academic Year |
2018/19 |
Total pupil premium (PP) budget |
PP = £61700 PP+ =£39100 Total = £100,800 |
Date of most recent PP Review |
July 2018 |
Total number of pupils |
937 |
Number of pupils eligible for PP PP = 66, PP+ = 17 |
83 = 8.85% of whole school population |
Date for next internal review of this strategy |
September 2019 |
Bishop Rawstorne Pupil Premium cohort 2017/18 |
Bishop Rawstorne Whole school figure |
National average none pupil premium figures |
Attainment 8 score average (2017/18) |
48.10 |
57.14 |
46.4 |
Progress 8 score average (2017/18) |
+0.06 |
+0.46 |
0.0 |
Progress 8 score average English (2017-18) |
+0.677 |
+0.85 |
0 |
Progress 8 score average Maths (2017-18) |
+0.127 |
+0.38 |
0 |
Percentage achieving grade 5 or above in the English Baccalaureate |
11% |
33% |
Data not available |
Percentage achieving grade 5 or above English + Maths |
61.11 |
72.07 |
43% |
Outstanding teaching and learning for all students – with tailored strategies to help close the gap across the school |
Transition at all levels |
Numeracy and Literacy at all levels |
D. |
Engagement in extracurricular activities whole school |
E. |
Disengagement and negative behaviours – comparable to non-disadvantaged students |
Areas that could impact on the progress of students – External. |
F. |
Attendance of disadvantaged students compared to whole school |
G |
Quality of Homework / Independent learning comparable to non-disadvantaged students. |
Chosen Actions / Approach |
Evidence for target |
Staff Lead
Enhance the academic opportunities for our disadvantaged students across the school by focussing on the quality of Teaching and Learning as part of a whole school strategy – the aim being to consolidate subject knowledge and develop teaching strategies that close the gap.
Staff engagement of a whole school target measured by:
Transition from KS2/3 and KS4/5 to be smooth and effective, as well as internal KS3/4
WHY IS THIS A PRIORITY The large number of feeder primary schools that Bishop Rawstorne has makes this a necessity for all students, but PP and PP+ students and parents may require additional reassurance and engagement in June / July and August /September. The creation of a resource pack to support PP students in the transition with equipment to help those students start the year more effectively in August.
Also the variety of colleges in the local area means that parents / carers require guidance on the application process.
Students will also be well informed about the options process and the post 16 provision through bespoke careers advice to assist them in their decision making. |
+3 months
Closing the gap across all year groups in Literacy and Numeracy – with specific regards disadvantaged students in Years 7 and 8. This should enhance the outcomes for students in many areas as the recent changes to the GCSE curriculum mean many subjects are now a lot more reliant on Literacy and Numeracy skills being of a high standard. |
Increase student buy in of school life by promoting the extra-curricular opportunities that are available. Improve student’s health and motivation in the AM with Sporting activity one morning a week and develop academic success one day a week in a morning homework club. |
E |
Reduce behaviour issues in our vulnerable students. Decreasing behaviour concerns should improve the outcomes for all students across school |
Less behaviour incidents with PP students comparatively to non-PP. Evidenced through:
Whole staff |
F |
Improved attendance for all, but closing the gap further between PP and non PP students evidenced through attendance data |
Better whole school attendance and closing of the gap further between PP and non PP attendance Evidenced through:
• Behaviour intervention +3months •Parental engagement+3 |
G |
Improved level of independent work at KS3 and KS4, and better engagement of students across the school leading to enhanced buy in and closing of the gap |
Closing of the gap across the year of homework issues between PP and non PP students Evidenced through
MOVING FORWARD 2019 / 2020 |
Whole School T and L Strategy |
Post Feb Review
Departing Year 11 students 11.1% students very hard to manage data for – significantly negative P8 Score at final point - -0.9 and -3.7 55% of students achieved a positive P8 score 72% of students achieved higher than final predicted scores
Year 10 Data 39% have dropped since the spring prediction but remain + P8 54% have dropped since spring and remain with –P8 7.6% have increased and stayed +P8 And 1 student has left Year 10
Transition at all stages
KS2 – KS3
Post Feb Review
KS3 – KS4
Post Feb Review
KS4 -KS5
Post Feb Review
Closing the Gap – Numeracy and Literacy |
Post Feb Review See Maths Whizz feedback in next column
Post Feb Review New Literacy Co-ordinator appointed – the below plans made moving forward into 2019/20
Feedback RE impact of Maths Whizz
It will be run for a second year
Mathswatch feedback Students get 4 weeks to complete a revision assignment before their termly assessments. Our students have given positive feedback for the exam type questions MathsWatch uses and the videos help them if they are struggling. Parental contact is made with their percentage completed for each individual assignment. So far, since the start of the new academic year 7501 questions have been completed and students have spent in total 149 hours completing tasks.
Feedback on Bedrock
The Bedrock programme has been a success showing improvement in year 7 and 8 student’s basic literacy with regards spelling overall. The Programme was trialled with a small cohort of students but has now been rolled out to students in Y7, 8 and 9.
PP students using Bedrock have shown 27% Ability increase over the 2 months of use. Non PP students have shown an improvement of 25% so a small gap of 2% between the cohorts suggest a positive impact and worth continuing with.
D Extracurricular and enrichment |
Post Feb Review
Behaviour |
Y7 – 1 student target card – 2 students parental meeting Y8 – 1 student target card – 2 students parental meeting Y9 – 2 students target card – 1 student parental meeting Y10 – 1 student target card and parental meeting Y11 – 1 Student target card – 5 student parental meetings
Post Feb Review
END OF YEAR BEHAVIOUR STATS: Y7 – 1 student target card, 3 separate times 3 students parental meetings 3 separate occasions 2 students meetings on 2 separate occasions.
Y8 – 2 students target card, for a prolonged period of time – 2 students parental meeting. 1 Parent – regular phone call communications and email, 1 parent met 3 times 2 separate parents met once
Y9 – 2 students target card – 1 student parental meeting three separate occasions
Y10 – 1 student target card and parental meeting
Y11 – 1 Student target card – 12 student parental meetings
Admittedly the data shows a gap – And the PP students in Y9 – going to Y10 are the ones that may need the most significant focus next academic year with regards behaviour. |
Attendance |
Signif PP worries in: Y7 1 female 2 weeks absent start of year Y7 1 male – 2 weeks illness – Contract Y7 1 male – 2 weeks illness fully documented Y8 1 male Student – 2 weeks bereavement Y8 1 male student on contract Y8 1 male students – serious ongoing medical Y9 1 female student improved following contract Y9 1 male student – 2+ weeks operation (Y9 LOWER PP COHORT) Y10 1 male student – slowly improving attendance following prolonged absence Y10 1 female student – prolonged absence, working with another school. Y11 No signif concerns – 2 main worries at other establishments Post Feb Review The students above were still impacting the overall stats. Also Y7 2 students on attendance contract – 1 on 3 contracts Y7 1 student with prolonged absence (2 weeks) followed by being disapplied from school Y9 1 female 1 full week off no reason – then removal from school Y9 1 student on attendance contract Y10 1 student on attendance contract
Homework |
Y7 – 2 Signif homework concern Y8 – 1 Signif homework concern Y9 – 1 Signif homework concern Y10 – 1 Signif homework concern Y11 – 1 Signif homework concern
Post Feb Review
Y7 – 1 Signif homework concern – Homework and behaviour contract used and enforced attendance at homework club Y8 – 1 Signif homework concern – Regular parental liaison – Improvement in the second half of the year. Y9 – 1 Signif homework concern. Enforced attendance at after school homework club during summer term. Y10 – 1 Signif homework concern – significant improvement in second half of the year Y11 – 1 Signif homework concern. Data ceased in April though.
The data shows a lack of a gap in Y10 and a very minor gap in Y8. The Y7s going into 8 will need watching Re homework and the Y9s into 10 also |